15 déc. 2011

Travelling to...: Ifrane!

Hi beauties,
3 weeks ago, i travelled to Ifrane for one day!!! yes its possible if you wake up early :D

Im lucky to have such beautiful parent who loves travelling and spacialy the adventure a lot!!!!

So i want to share with you some pictures of the amazing nature up there,

year after year im just falling in love with this city...

That day unfortunately, it doesn't snowed :(

 Such a beautiful flower...

 hhhh the aztec orange nail polish from China Glaze...

 Dead leaves aren't they romantic in a certain way???

And guess what, i'd found a little little piece of snow...

I was dazzled by so much beauty...

I hope that you've liked the pictures...

Good luck!

2 commentaires:

  1. pretty pictures :)
    Love your polish too :)

    Je sais pas si tu te rappeles de moi j'avais un blog qui s'appelait "Beauty Language", on me la piraté malheureusement.... je reviens avec un nouveau, et je me relance dans une nouvelle aventure :)

    Au plaisir de te lire :)



  2. Belles photos ! très belle nature. tbarklah 3la lala lmoussaouira :)


Un commentaire, ça motive et c'est gratuit ;)


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