10 juil. 2011

Travelling to...: the north of morocco!

Hi guys,
Hope you're doing great,
I want to share with you, some pictures of my last travelling, to the north of morocco.

I had the chance to visit some beautiful cities, in 10 days!
Tetouan, Martil, Tangier, Chefchaouen, oued law, findek, mediek, asilah , and laaraiche, it was an amazing journey, that ill never forget!

There is some pictures from Chefchaouen, that  i've liked specially...enjoy!

Chefchouen, is a must see city...
Good luck

3 commentaires:

  1. Tu as été chez nous :D ! J’espère que tu as bien profité :D


  2. oui c'est une ville super, je trouve qu'elle a un coté hippie romantique !


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